This website" refers to this domain (
powerfactor.us ) and all its sub-domains (if any).
I do not collect any specific personal information about the visitors of this website and I do not use cookies. However, when you visit this website, third party
cookies may be automatically downloaded to your computer (if your browser settings allow). I personally don't have access to these cookies. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies, or to delete them. More information about cookie management can be found at the browsers' respective websites. Note that cookies are just pieces of text that affect the operation of third party web servers, but not your computer. Like many other websites, my web host may automatically collect and store "non-personally identifiable"
information for statistical purposes that helps me understand my visitors and how they use my sites. This information may include (but is not limited to) your browser software, operating system, your ISP and IP address of the computer you are using, and demographic information. As stated above, this information does not identify you personally.
I use third-party advertising companies, such as Google, to serve ads when you visit this website, and this website also contains affiliate links. Our advertising partners may use cookies and web beacons on this site. I have no access to or control over their cookies or beacons. You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-parties. Third party vendors, including Google, can use cookies to serve ads based on your prior visits to this website and/or other sites on the Internet. Google
policy states that it uses cookies which enables them and their partners to serve more relevant ads to you based on your visit to this and/or other websites. Google policy stated you may opt out of their interest-based
ads or edit your ads preferences for interest-based advertising by visiting their ads settings page. Google certified ad networks are also serving ads on this website. You can opt out of some of third-party vendor's use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative
opt out page. Some of our other advertising partners may also use DoubleClick DART technology. Note that if you delete your opt-out cookie, you may need to opt-out again. Be aware that if your browser blocks all or third-party cookies, you may block the setting of opt-out cookies as well.
This website may also contain affiliate links and banners as well as regular links to external websites. Affiliate links may come with "
web beacons" or "clear gifs". I am not responsible for the privacy practices or content of the external sites. Nonetheless,
I welcome any feedback about the sites I link to.
In case you want to send me an email, it may be stored in my inbox. I do not sell or share email addresses with anyone. However, at my discretion, I can report appropriately what I believe is a spam or abuse. I also reserve the right to disclose your personal information if required to do so by law, or in the good faith belief that it is necessary to protect my or public rights, property or safety.
This policy applies to this domain and all sub-domains (if any).
This policy can be changed at any time without prior notice. If I change this policy, this webpage will have the latest version-- please check back periodically for updates.
Also see important
Disclaimer, Terms of Use and Material Connection Disclosure.
If you feel that this site is not following its stated privacy policy, you may contact me by email.
Lazar Rozenblat